This is Jackson's version of a magician's outfit.
Jackson has a book of children’s Bible stories, that I do my best to read with him every night. Last night, we came to the story of Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16:16-40). Imprisoned for proclaiming the Gospel, they decided to pass the time by doing what they knew to do best – praising God.
As Paul and Silas sang hymns, the walls of the prison began to shake, and soon came crumbling down. The power of God had freed them and even the prison guard became a believer that day.
Jackson, who is currently fascinated by all things magic, was uncharacteristically glued to this story. I said, “Hey, I actually know a song about this. Want to hear it?” He responded with an enthusiastic, “Yes!”
I had my phone on me, so pulled up Ray Boltz’s music video from the 90s. (Side note: Shout out to 1994-1998 Impact Team!) It was a little cheesy/mullet-y by today’s standards, but the words were just as powerful. Jackson’s eyes were big as saucers by the end.
“What’d you think Jackson?”
“I wish I could praise God like that!”
Before you assume him a budding theologian, I knew what he really meant was that he wished he had the power to shake down walls at his command. (One of his current favorite activities, for example, is to pretend he’s using the force every time we go through automatic sliding doors.)
Still…his question hit me square between the eyes. “Jackson, we actually can praise God like that, and He will do AMAZING things.”
When the Walls are High
I was thinking more about Jackson’s desire this morning, and that’s ultimately my heart’s desire, too.
I want praise God like Paul and Silas. When… the walls are high, the chains are tight, the kids are cranky, the projects are piling, the house is cluttered, the van is failing, or whatever circumstances I happen to face today.
It’s easy to praise God for the prayers He’s already answered. I want my kids to see me praising God when I have absolutely no clue of what’s going to happen next.
Won’t Shut Up
Recently, I heard the most amazing news story about a 10 year-old little boy named Myrick.
While playing on the driveway at his home in Atlanta, a car pulled up, and the driver attempted to engage him in conversation. As soon as Myrick got close enough, the man snatched him up, shoved him in the car, and drove away.
I can’t imagine the fears I’d have as a 36-year-old woman, let alone how terrifying that must have been for a little boy.
But Myrick decided to do what he knew to do best. He started singing the gospel song “Every Praise” repeatedly, much to the annoyance of his kidnapper.
The man kept shouting and cursing at the boy to shut up, but Myrick was relentless. When the kidnapper finally couldn’t take it anymore, he stopped, opened the door and threw his hostage out.
“He told me not to tell anyone,” reports Myrick. But as we already know, he’s not so good at staying quiet.
All the Day Long
I wonder… where did Myrick learn to praise God like that?
Somewhere, there is a mother, grandmother, father or friend who oozes God’s praise at every opportunity.
I want to praise God like that. For my kids. For my husband. For everyone I influence. But most of all, for me.
Because in praise, I am changed. I recall that I am loved. I remember I am provided for. God’s never failed me before, and I know He never will. God is almighty and knows what’s best for me. He is worthy of my praise.
“This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior, all the day long.”