When Goliath Stares You Down

Your Goliath may be a situation or failure that appears to be bigger than life. It’s a fear, a sense of inadequacy, a frustration, a broken relationship. It might be failing health, your struggling kids, a difficult job or any number of circumstances that seems to be spiraling out of control. Day after day, our Goliaths rear their ugly heads, daring us to take them on.

In the Thick of It: Mortgages, Children and Finding Love in the Chaos

In the Thick of It: Mortgages, Children and Finding Love in the Chaos

Here we are, 15 years later—him with a little less hair, and me with a few more pounds. And somewhere along the way, we’ve accumulated two children, a dog, a minivan, a car, and hundreds of photos in scrapbooks and picture frames in our modest two-story home with a fenced yard. We’ve also collected a few physical and emotional scars from the battles we’ve faced together over the years.

A Haircut for a Hero

A Haircut for a Hero

Dad was the first to arrive on the scene. Sure enough, the driver of the car was in pretty rough shape. His ribs were cracked, his leg obviously broken – but he was still alert.  Fearing the deteriorating weather conditions, dad somehow managed to move the man from the wreckage and into the warmth of his own vehicle.